Use skincare that works

Evidence-based AI skincare efficacy analyzer.

Home cream image

Efficacy first

We use skincare to get results. But there are so many skincare products out there that simply don't work, often advertising the opposite.

The good news is that a $3 moisturizer can be just as effective, or even more so, than a $100 one. The key factors are the ingredients and their concentrations.

We use AI algorithms to estimate the concentration of each ingredient in skincare formulas and provide 0 to 10 ratings of their moisturizing and anti-wrinkle efficacy.

Skincare that doesn't work is a waste.

Waste for you - it wastes your time and money.

But also for the world - as it wastes its resources: packaging, raw materials, and energy.

Anti-wrinkle rating from 0 to 10

Most formulas or ingredients marketed today as anti-wrinkle lack substantial evidence of efficacy. For our anti-wrinkle rating, we developed CreamScan Research Evaluation Standards to ensure that only ingredients with really proven efficacy are included in your anti-wrinkle cream.

Top wrinkle creams

Products with the highest Anti-wrinkle rating

Scan your cream

Didn't find your skincare product in our database? No problem! Just copy paste the ingredient list below and we will tell you what your skincare is capable of - based on AI algorithms, human expertise and available research proving ingredient's efficacy.
The advanced version of Scan is here
What is the texture of the product?
Butters, sticks, thick textures
Butter texture image
Creams, lotions, balms, foundations
Cream texture image
Gels and jellies
Gel texture image
Liquids, fluids, toners, sprays
Serum texture image
Butter texture image
Cream texture image
Gel texture image
Serum texture image
Butters, sticks, thick textures
Creams, lotions, balms, foundations
Gels and jellies
Liquids, fluids, toners, sprays
Ingredient list

Moisturizing rating

The Moisturizing rating shows how moisturizing a product is on a scale from 0 to 10
More doesn’t always mean better. Every skin type has different moisturizing needs that depend on various factors like skin type and occasion. However, the general rule is: the drier the skin, the more moisture it needs.

Top moisturizing

Products with the highest Moisturizing rating

Humectancy and Occlusivity

The Moisturizing rating depends equally on both Humectancy and Occlusivity, which are two different ways your skin can be moisturized.

Humectants attract water to the skin like a magnet. Occlusives seal water in. An ideal moisturizer should contain both.

Humectant moisturizing is beneficial for all skin types.

Occlusive moisturizing is ideal for dry skin.

Top humectant

Products with the highest Humectancy

Top occlusive

Products with the highest Occlusivity