Ziziphus Jujuba Fruit Extract

A soothing extract derived from the fruit known as Jujube, or Chinese date. It contains mainly anti-inflammatory terpenoids, flavonoids, and tannins.
Ziziphus Jujuba Fruit Extract


Ziziphus jujuba fruit extract is a soothing extract derived from a fruit known as Jujube or Chinese date. The fruits are eaten raw, pickled, dried, candied, or processed into juices, jams, and preserves in many Asian countries.

The fruits and seeds contain mainly terpenoids, flavonoids, and tannins, which have anti-inflammatory effects on the skin. The tannins were tested for tyrosinase inhibitory activity with good results in test tubes – this makes Jujuba fruit extract a prospective anti-pigment ingredient, although more tests on humans are needed.