Zea Mays (Corn) Oil

An occlusive moisturizing fatty oil extracted from the germ of corn grains. It is made up of linoleic, oleic, and palmitic acids, and is suitable for all skin types.
Other functions
Zea Mays (Corn) Oil


Zea mays oil is a fatty oil extracted from the germ of corn grains. Corn oil is one of the most commonly used household frying oils, but in skincare less so. This is unfortunate because it has very good properties and great composition.

The majority of the corn germ oil is made up of linoleic acid (58%), followed by oleic acid (27%), and palmitic acid. This is a favorable composition for all skin types. Corn oil is occlusive moisturizing and emollient and is used as a base oil and solvent for various skincare compositions.

You can read more about corn oil here: Zea Mays (Corn) Germ Oil.