Zea Mays (Corn) Germ Oil

A fatty, emollient, and occlusive moisturizing oil derived from corn kernel germs. It mainly consists of fatty acids but is also rich in antioxidant vitamin E and carotenoids.
Other functions
Zea Mays (Corn) Germ Oil


Zea mays germ oil is a fatty, emollient oil expressed or extracted from the germ part of a corn kernel. Corn oil is one of the commonly used kitchen and frying oils.

It is less used in skincare and unfortunately so, since it has very good properties and an excellent composition. The majority of the corn germ oil is made up of linoleic acid (58%), followed by oleic (27%), and palmitic acid. This is a favorable composition for all skin types – linoleic acid is well tolerated and has a pleasantly light feel.

It is also rich in vitamin E and carotenoids, although the amounts really depend on the method of corn oil processing (more processed and refined oils contain less of these beneficial antioxidant compounds).

Corn oil is occlusive moisturizing and emollient and used as a base oil and solvent for various skincare compositions.


Mushtaq, Z., Imran, M., Ahmad, N., Khan, M. K., & Asghar, N. (2020). Cold pressed corn (Zea mays) oil. Cold Pressed Oils, 191–195.