Whey Protein

AKA: Lactis Serum Proteinum
An emollient mixture of various proteins obtained from whey - cheese or cow milk production liquid leftovers.
Lactis Serum Proteinum
Whey Protein


Whey protein is a mixture of various proteins obtained from whey, a liquid leftover during the production of cheese from cow’s milk. This liquid dries into a protein-rich powder.

Whey proteins act as an emollient in skincare products. Some of these proteins have biological activity because they, for example, attenuate oxidative stress, provide some immunomodulatory activity, and help to maintain the skin’s elasticity and firmness via their small proteins and amino acids.

Apart from this, whey protein is also used as a food supplement.


Yalcin, A. (2006). Emerging Therapeutic Potential of Whey Proteins and Peptides. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 12(13), 1637–1643.