Thiamine HCl

Also known as vitamin B1, the benefits of this ingredient in skincare are not yet clear. It may have some benefits to energy metabolism, but this hasn't been confirmed. It has a typical, sulfur-like smell.
Thiamine HCl


Thiamine is also known as vitamin B1. It plays an irreplaceable role in the energy metabolism of all human cells, as well as in maintaining the proper function of the nervous system. When it comes to skin, the benefits are not as clear cut; there are no scientific studies that can shine a light on the benefits of thiamine in skincare.

There is a study that confirms that topically applied thiamine is absorbed into the skin and even travels into the bloodstream, and so theoretically there may be some benefit in applying it to the skin.

As a fun fact, thiamine has its characteristic sulfur-like smell and can be used to repel insects.


Zhu, Z., Varadi, G., & Carter, S. G. (2016). Pharmacokinetics of the transdermal delivery of benfotiamine. Acta diabetologica, 53(2), 317–322.
Badawi, A., El Halawany, M., & Latif, R. (2020). A Pilot Clinical Study on Thiamine Hydrochloride as a New Mosquito Repellent: Determination of the Minimum Effective Dose on Human Skin. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, 43(2), 284–288.