Tetradecyl Aminobutyroylvalylaminobutyric Urea Trifluoroacetate

A small, peptide-like ingredient designed to improve skin firmness and hydration by stimulating the production of proteins and peptidoglycans in the skin.
Other functions
Tetradecyl Aminobutyroylvalylaminobutyric Urea Trifluoroacetate


This is a small peptide that is made from three amino acids and several additional molecules (like urea or trifluoroacetate) in order to better the lipid solubility and to enhance absorption through the skin.

It is sold under the trademarked name SYN®-HYCAN and the manufacturer claims that it can boost the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the dermis, as well as stimulate the production of lumican and decorin, two important proteoglycans that maintain the healthy structure of collagen. This should result in firmer, plumper, and better-hydrated skin with fewer wrinkles.

Unfortunately, there are no other independent studies that can confirm this claim, and so we aren’t sure if it really works that way.


Oshimura, E., & Sakamoto, K. (2017). Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Cosmetic Science and Technology, 285–303.