Sodium Salicylate

A synthetic derivative of salicylic acid with confirmed anti-wrinkle efficacy.

Other functions
Sodium Salicylate


Sodium salicylate is a sodium salt of salicylic acid, and historically, it has been derived from the methyl salicylate found in wintergreen oil. Although, more recently, it has been transitioned to synthetic production.

This ingredient is used as a preservative, where it is commonly paired with sodium benzoate to create a broad-spectrum preservative that water soluble and effective at lower pH levels.

In addition to acting as a preservative, this off-white powder also acts as a denaturant in some chemicals. This is added to deter consumption and other inappropriate uses of certain chemicals.


Reported efficacy
Wrinkle reduction
vs. benchmark (Tretinoin 0.05%)
Strength of evidence
Study 1
Study 2
Anti-wrinkle power
Creamscan anti-wrinkle rating is a weighted result of 2 parts:
Reported Efficacy: This measures the ingredient's ability to reduce wrinkles, confirmed by a double-blind, vehicle-controlled, randomized study. We compare the results reported in the study against a gold standard anti-wrinkle benchmark, 0.05% Tretinoin, to calculate a 0-10 efficacy score for the reviewed ingredient.
Strength of Evidence: This reflects how thoroughly an ingredient has been researched. While there are many studies on cosmetic ingredients, very few are robust, vehicle-controlled clinical trials on humans.
Each study meeting CreamScan Research Evaluation Standards earns the ingredient 5 points. An ingredient with just one qualifying study receives a score of 5 out of 10 for Strength of Evidence. To achieve a perfect score of 10 out of 10, an ingredient must have at least two studies confirming its efficacy from different research teams.


Merinville et al. Three clinical studies showing the anti-aging benefits of sodium salicylate in human skin. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2010 Sep;9(3):174-84. PMID: 20883290