Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate

A chemically modified version of hyaluronic acid. It is more stable and less sticky than regular HA, while still providing the same humectant moisturizing properties (according to the manufacturer). There have been no clinical studies to confirm this.
Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate


Sodium acetylated hyaluronate is a chemically modified version of hyaluronic acid (read more about it here: Hyaluronic Acid).

The chemical modification results in an ingredient that is slightly more oil-soluble and more stable in cosmetic formulations than regular hyaluronic acid, as well as an improvement in the anti-inflammatory activity.

The manufacturer claims that sodium acetylated hyaluronate is less sticky than regular hyaluronic acid, which would make it more pleasant upon application. They also report improved absorption, which would mean that the ingredient is able to stay on the surface of the skin for longer. This is a very desirable characteristic for a humectant moisturizing ingredient to have because it will be more difficult to wash off.

There have been no clinical studies comparing the humectant moisturizing abilities of sodium acetylated hyaluronate to regular hyaluronic acid as of yet.


Saturnino, C., Sinicropi, M. S., Parisi, O. I., Iacopetta, D., Popolo, A., Marzocco, S., Autore, G., Caruso, A., Cappello, A. R., Longo, P., & Puoci, F. (2014). Acetylated hyaluronic acid: enhanced bioavailability and biological studies. BioMed research international, 2014, 921549.