Santalum Album (Sandalwood) Wood Extract

A fragrant extract derived from sandalwood that is most likely a diluted essential oil. Sandalwood oil is one of the most expensive essential oils in the world and it gives the extract a woody, warm, and creamy scent.
Santalum Album (Sandalwood) Wood Extract


Santalum album wood extract is a fragrant extract obtained from sandalwood, most likely a sandalwood essential oil diluted in a different fixed oil. It is one of the most expensive fragrances due to the fact that sandalwood trees (Santalum album) grow very slowly and are difficult to cultivate.

The sandalwood essential oil is distilled from the wood chips and consists mainly of santalene and santalol, which give it the characteristic woody, warm, and creamy scent.

This ingredient is mainly used as a fragrance in skincare products, although there have been some studies to suggest that the oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Sandalwood oil is usually very well tolerated, even in fragrance-sensitive individuals, but it can sometimes cause a skin allergy.


Wang, Y., Wen, M., Li, M., Zhao, J., & Han, X. (2018). Sheng wu gong cheng xue bao = Chinese journal of biotechnology, 34(6), 862–875.
Moy, R. L., & Levenson, C. (2017). Sandalwood Album Oil as a Botanical Therapeutic in Dermatology. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, 10(10), 34–39.