Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Oil

A fragrant essential oil derived from sage with a cooling, robust, and pine-like herbal scent.
Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Oil


Salvia Officinalis oil is an essential oil derived from sage that is added to skincare products as a fragrance ingredient. Its cooling, robust, pine-like herbal scent is often confused with Clary Sage oil, which has a softer and sweeter floral aroma that is more similar to lavender.

The main components of sage essential oil are thujone (up to 50%), camphor, pinene, and cineol. This essential oil should never be used undiluted or ingested. It is also not suitable for children up to 12 years.

You can read more about the common sage here: Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Extract.