Propyl Gallate

A semi-synthetic antioxidant manufactured from plant-based gallic acid. It protects the oils in the formulation from degrading and going rancid.
Other functions
Propyl Gallate


Propyl gallate is a semi-synthetic ingredient manufactured from plant-based gallic acid. It is used as an antioxidant that protects a skincare product (and especially its oils) from degradation and going rancid.

It can also have some soothing and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin, although this has not yet been researched in great detail.


McDonald-Gibson, W. J., Saeed, S. A., & Schneider, C. (1976). The local antinociceptive and topical anti-inflammatory effects of propyl gallate in rodents. British journal of pharmacology, 58(4), 573–581.
Final report on the amended safety assessment of Propyl Gallate. (2007). International journal of toxicology, 26 Suppl 3, 89–118.