Perilla Ocymoides Seed Oil

A fatty, occlusive (moisturizing), and emollient oil derived from the seeds of the Perilla, an aromatic plant from the mint family. It is one of the best natural sources of the unsaturated alpha-linolenic fatty acid.
Other functions
Perilla Ocymoides Seed Oil


Perilla ocymoides seed oil is a fatty, emollient oil derived from the seeds of Perilla. Perilla is an aromatic plant from the mint family (Lamiaceae). It has a pleasant minty smell and is one of the most common culinary herbs in Eastern Asian cuisine.

Perilla seed oil (not to be confused with fragrant, volatile Perilla essential oil) is one of the best natural sources of alpha-linolenic acid – the oil contains up to 64% of this nourishing, emollient unsaturated fatty acid. The rest of the triglycerides is formed by linoleic acid (15%) and various saturated fatty acids.

Perilla oil is a pale yellow liquid with emollient and occlusive moisturizing properties, suitable for all skin types, especially oily, itchy, and problematic skin.

Alpha-linolenic acid is very prone to oxidation and rancidity, so the skincare products must be well protected from light and oxygen.


Zhang, H., Tian, Y., Guan, J., Xie, Q., & Zhao, Y. (2020). The anti‐tussive, anti‐inflammatory effects and sub‐chronic toxicological evaluation of perilla seed oil. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.