Pearl Powder

A shimmering powder obtained from pearls. It contains many minerals and proteins and may be effective in skin regeneration.
Pearl Powder


Pearl powder is a shimmering powder obtained from ground sea or freshwater pearls. Aside from being nice-looking and luxurious-sounding, pearl powder has also been investigated for its medicinal properties.

It contains mainly minerals and proteins and, so far, the results suggest that it might be effective in wound healing, as it increased skin regeneration and helped with the formation of collagen. These effects were better when the pearl particles were smaller (all the way down to nanoparticles). It is also said that pearl powder can help with pigmentation issues.

There are, however, no tests on real living humans as of yet, and so we cannot say for certain.


Chen, X., Peng, L. H., Chee, S. S., Shan, Y. H., Liang, W. Q., & Gao, J. Q. (2019). Nanoscaled pearl powder accelerates wound repair and regeneration in vitro and in vivo. Drug development and industrial pharmacy, 45(6), 1009–1016.