
A synthetic emollient that provides a soft and smooth feeling to skin. Most emollients are oil-based, but pantethine dissolves in water.


Pantethine is a synthetic precursor of vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid. Research shows that our body can convert it into the active form and use it as a vitamin, therefore it is often used in dietary supplements.

Sadly, there are no studies about its effects in the skincare yet. Since it is so similar to Pantothenic acid, the manufacturer claims it has good emollient benefits. However, if you are looking for the best form of vitamin B5 for your skincare regime, look for Panthenol.


Shibata, K., Kaneko, M., & Fukuwatari, T. (2013). D-pantethine has vitamin activity equivalent to d-pantothenic acids for recovering from a deficiency of D-pantothenic acid in rats. Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology, 59(2), 93–99.