Morus Alba Bark Extract

An extract derived from the bark of the white mulberry tree. It contains various astringent, antioxidant, and soothing phytochemicals (some of which can also show anti-pigment activity).
Other functions
Morus Alba Bark Extract


Morus alba bark extract is extracted from the bark of the Morus alba, a white mulberry tree. The tree is most commonly known as a food source for silkworms during the production of natural silk. The berries are also edible and used in jams or preserves, or eaten dried.

The bark of Morus alba is reported to offer flavonoids, stilbenoids, and coumarins. Its bioactive compounds also include mulberroside, morusin, resveratrol, and morin. These all have astringent, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties and may help with the wound healing process. Morin and resveratrol also have some skin-whitening properties.

Read more about the extract here: Morus Alba Leaf Extract.


Eric Wei-Chiang CHAN, Phui-Yan LYE, Siu-Kuin WONG. Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and clinical trials of Morus alba. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 17-30.