Leontopodium Alpinum Extract

An extract from a beautiful alpine plant called Edelweiss. It contains a rare compound called leontopodic acid with antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Leontopodium Alpinum Extract


Leontopodium alpinum, alternatively called Leontopodium nivale or Edelweiss, is a beautiful rare alpine plant that grows in the high altitudes of the Alps and Carpathian regions of Europe.

Its leaves and flowers are covered in thick, white fuzzy hairs that protect the plant from harsh weather and UV light. It is used as a symbol of alpinism and mountain hiking.

The extract is scarcely used in skincare due to the rarity of the plant, although, to an extent, it might also be cultivated on a larger scale. The extract contains a rare compound called leontopodic acid. Antioxidative, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties have been noted in relation to this extract.


Ganzera, M., Greifeneder, V., Schwaiger, S., & Stuppner, H. (2012). Chemical profiling of Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum Cass.) extracts by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Fitoterapia, 83(8), 1680–1686.