Lactobacillus/Soybean Ferment Extract

A biotechnological ingredient that is essentially soy milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria. It may help to treat skin pigmentation but more research is needed to support this claim.
Lactobacillus/Soybean Ferment Extract


Lactobacillus/Soybean ferment extract is a biotechnological ingredient – a liquid soybean extract, also called soy milk, that has undergone a fermentation process with lactic acid bacteria from the Lactobacillus family.

According to the manufacturer and patent holder, this extract should help to treat skin pigmentation issues - prevent freckles, spots, and depositions of skin pigment.

There are several ways in which lactic acid bacteria can be utilized in the fermentation process. Fermented soy products are very common as foodstuffs, especially in East Asia, and there is also a tradition of including them in skincare products.

There are various studies that have shown their health benefits when eaten, although not much is known about their topical application.
