Illicium Verum (Anise) Fruit Extract

Derived from star anise, this fragrant extract contains anethole, a volatile compound with a lovely, spicy, warm scent.
Illicium Verum (Anise) Fruit Extract

What is Illicium Verum (Anise) Fruit Extract?

Illicium Verum, widely known as the Star Anise, is a star-shaped fruit native to Northeastern Vietnam and Southwestern China. The extract derived from this aromatic fruit has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and cooking.

The fruit extract of Illicium Verum, or Anise fruit extract, is also called badian (not to be confused with regular anise (Pimpinella anisum) seed which has the similar scent but comes from a totally different plant). It is obtained through a process that harnesses the essential oils and beneficial compounds present in the fruit.

This fruit has a lovely spicy, warm scent and, in skincare products, the Illicium Verum fruit extract is mostly used as a fragrance.

Star anise is a common ingredient in pumpkin pie and gingerbread spice mixes. The characteristic spicy scent is caused by anethole, a volatile compound that makes up the majority of star anise essential oil.

Illicium Verum (Anise) Fruit Extract in Skincare

Illicium Verum fruit extract serves a range of functions in skincare products, among which fragrance and antioxidant properties are most significant. Here's how this extract plays a crucial role in skincare:

  1. Fragrance: The extract from this star-shaped fruit delivers a natural, sweet, and spicy aroma. This makes it an excellent natural alternative to synthetic fragrances that can often irritate sensitive skin.

  2. Potential Antioxidant: The extract of the Anise fruit is rich in antioxidants, specifically flavonoids and polyphenols. These compounds are known for their ability to neutralize harmful free radicals, thereby preventing oxidative stress and its associated skin damages like premature aging, dullness, and uneven skin tone.

  3. Potentially Soothing: Additionally, while Illicium Verum extract has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties when ingested, more research is needed to confirm if these effects are as potent when applied topically in skincare products.

Is Illicium Verum (Anise) Fruit Extract safe for skin?

Illicium Verum fruit extract is generally considered safe. However, like with any ingredient, individual sensitivity or allergic reactions can occur. It's fragrant components may cause skin sensitivity and photosensitivity in some individuals. Reactions can increase with concentration and individual skin sensitivity.

If using skincare with this ingredient, it's recommended to patch test first and monitor for discomfort, redness, or irritation.


Patra, J. K., et al. (2020). Star anise (Illicium verum): Chemical compounds, antiviral properties, and clinical relevance. Phytotherapy research : PTR, 34(6), 1248–1267.