Hexylene Glycol

A multifunctional ingredient that is best known for its use as a solvent. It can dissolve both water-based ingredients and oils. For this reason, it can also function as an emulsifier, allowing oil and water ingredients to mix and remain stable.
Hexylene Glycol


Hexylene glycol is a multifunctional ingredient that is best known for its work as a solvent.

This ingredient is useful for dissolving compounds that normally would not be compatible. More specifically, it can dissolve both water-based ingredients, as well as oily ingredients. For this reason, it can also function as an emulsifier, which allows the oil and water ingredients to mix and remain stable.

It is added to preservatives to help solubilize them, as well. This clear liquid can also act as a fragrance and as a viscosity controlling agent, in which it decreases the thickness of the skincare products.