
A broad term indicating a specific type of proteins, most likely of animal origin.


Glycoproteins are proteins that have pieces of saccharides sticking out from the main protein chain.

If you asked a biologist, they would tell you that glycoproteins are basically everywhere, in every single living cell, where they fulfill various roles necessary for the survival of the cell.

With regards to skincare, the matter gets less specific. Many different glycoproteins exist in this world, so simply reading “glycoproteins” on the label will not tell you anything about the properties or the source of the ingredient. We can, however, make an educated guess.

Most likely, the glycoproteins in your skincare product are animal-based, probably obtained from the stomach of some farm mammal, like pig or cow, or purified from cow’s milk.

They may help with the solubility of other ingredients, with the stability of the formula, or with the formation of a film on the skin’s surface.
