Glyceryl Linoleate

An ester that has superior emollient benefits in softening skin. It is a similar chemical to Vitamin F but with glycerin that can help alleviate dry-skin feeling.
Glyceryl Linoleate


Glyceryl linoleate is a semi-viscous emollient and ester that is very similar to Vitamin F and typically modified with glycerin and Vitamin F (the essential fatty acids: Linolenic Acid and Linoleic Acid). It is found throughout nature and our bodies and is typically naturally derived from soybean, peanut or rapeseed oil.

Usually it is used in skincare and make-up due to its lipid barrier function, film forming effects, and effect on treating dry skin. Due to its higher refractive index it can give shine to hair or make-up applications. It is typically combined with Glyceryl Linolenate to enhance its effects and benefits on the skin.