Gardenia Taitensis Flower Extract

A fragrant extract from the flowers of the Tahitian gardenia that contains essential oil which has a floral, tropical scent with fresh notes.
Gardenia Taitensis Flower Extract


Gardenia taitensis flower extract is a fragrant extract from the flowers of the Tahitian gardenia (Gardenia taitensis). The shrub is native to several tropical islands of Melanesia and Polynesia, where they are used in traditional medicine and for decoration. The flower has a floral, tropical scent with hints of freshness.

The pure essential oil is sometimes used in skincare products and perfumes, although not very often due to the small scale production and high costs. The most common product, however, is a so-called Monoi oil made by infusing coconut oil with Gardenia taitensis flower petals. It is a popular product exported from French Polynesia to the entire world.

As a fun fact: at many Polynesian islands, wearing this flower behind one's ear is a common tradition and, depending on the island, means "married" if it's behind one ear and "looking for a partner" if it's behind the other. If you ever travel there, ask about it and don't mix it up!
