Enantia Chlorantha Bark Extract

An extract derived from a tropical tree native to Africa. Although it is rich in antimicrobial alkaloids, its functions in skincare have yet to be researched.
Enantia Chlorantha Bark Extract


Enantia chlorantha, or Annickia chlorantha, is a tropical tree from West and Central Africa. In those parts of the world, Enantia chlorantha bark extract has been used for years as a traditional remedy in the treatment of malaria and fevers, sores, and ulcers.

The bark mainly contains alkaloids of various types – which have antimicrobial activity. The effects of this extract on the skin have not yet been researched, and so the application in cosmetic products is not clear.


Olivier, D. K., Van Vuuren, S. F., & Moteetee, A. N. (2015). Annickia affinis and A. chlorantha (Enantia chlorantha) – A review of two closely related medicinal plants from tropical Africa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 176, 438–462.