Ecklonia Cava Extract

Extracted from the alga species - Ecklonia cava - it contains antioxidant algal phlorotannins and a humectant moisturizing algal polysaccharide called fucoidan.
Ecklonia Cava Extract


Ecklonia cava extract is a humectant moisturizing extract from the Japanese and Korean alga species, Ecklonia cava.

This alga is often used as an herbal remedy because of its content of algal phlorotannins, which has an antioxidant effect. The extract contains another beneficial compound, an algal polysaccharide called fucoidan, which is a humectant moisturizer that helps the skin to retain water.


Li, Y.; Qian, Z. J.; Ryu, B.; Lee, S. H.; Kim, M. M.; Kim, S. K. (2009). Chemical components and its antioxidant properties in vitro: An edible marine brown alga, Ecklonia cava. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 17 (5): 1963–1973.