Cordyceps Sinensis Extract

An ingredient obtained by powdering caterpillars along with a parasitic fungus that grows on their heads. One study suggests that this ingredient has antioxidant and anti-aging activity.
Cordyceps Sinensis Extract


Cordyceps sinensis extract is an ingredient obtained from caterpillar fungus. The name is truly fitting – it is a species of parasitic fungus that grows on moth caterpillars living in the mountainous regions of Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan.

Both dead caterpillar and the fungus growing out of its head are ground into a powder and used in traditional Chinese medicine. They claim that it is a truly miraculous medicinal preparation, but science has only just started to uncover its bioactive compounds and their uses.

There is a single study that tests the extract for its antioxidant and anti-elastase activity, which could protect the skin from aging. You may see claims of its humectant and other beneficial effects in skincare products, but none of this can be backed by science so far.


Panda, A. K., & Swain, K. C. (2011). Traditional uses and medicinal potential of Cordyceps sinensis of Sikkim. Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine, 2(1), 9–13.
Cheng, Wai Yin & Wei, Xue-Qin & Siu, Ka-Chai & Song, Ang-Xin & Wu, Jianyong. (2018). The Cosmetic (Skincare) Benefits of Cultivated Cordyceps sinensis Fungal Mycelia. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 20.