Copper Lysinate/Prolinate

A complex of copper and two amino acids. It may stimulate the production of collagen in the skin because of the supply of copper, thus resulting in anti-wrinkle effects. This, however, has not been confirmed by studies.
Copper Lysinate/Prolinate


Copper lysinate/prolinate is a complex of copper with two essential amino acids – lysine and proline. It is sold under the brand name Neodermyl®, with the manufacturer claiming that it is an anti-aging and anti-wrinkle ingredient that can up-regulate the production of collagen in the skin.

Copper-amino acid complex is not exactly a new idea (you can read about the effects of Copper Tripeptide-1 on skin collagen levels here), but in the case of Copper lysinate/prolinate, there is a complete lack of scientific studies that can confirm its efficacy.
