Chondrus Crispus

An ingredient obtained from the red marine algae Irish moss. It contains a gel-forming algal polysaccharide carrageenan and is a rich source of antimicrobial iodine and sulfur. It also offers various antioxidants.
Other functions
Chondrus Crispus


Chondrus crispus is a humectant, gel-forming, antimicrobial ingredient obtained from a species of red marine algae called Irish moss (or carrageenan moss), which is one of the most utilized algae in the world. There are many benefits of Chondrus crispus for skin as well.

The main beneficial compound is the algal polysaccharide called carrageenan. Carrageenan can be extracted from Chondrus crispus (and other algae species) in large amounts. Carrageenan forms a thick, very stable gel in water and is also a very good humectant moisturizer because it retains quite a lot of water around its molecules.

Chondrus crispus is rich in various minerals, notably iodine and sulfur. Both of these have antimicrobial properties, which is beneficial for problematic and acne-prone skin types.

Other beneficial compounds that can be found in Chondrus crispus are various phenolic compounds such as tannins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. These have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which, combined with the above-mentioned properties of carrageenan and sulfur, make Chondrus crispus a perfect ingredient for problematic and inflammation-prone skin types.

Sometimes, the whole chunks of Irish moss are milled into a powder and used in skincare products without any extraction. This powder (usually listed as Chondrus crispus powder in the ingredients list) is mildly exfoliating and abrasive, helping to remove dead skin cells.


Carrageenan: a review. J. Necas, L. Bartosikova Veterinarni Medicina, 58, 2013 (4): 187–205
Maha I. Alkhalaf. Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Effects of Chondrus Crispus Species of Red algae collected from the Red Sea along the Shores of Jeddah City. Journal of King Saud University - Science, 2020.