Caviar Extract

An extract derived from the caviar of various types of fish. It is rich in proteins and phospholipids and has DHA as its main active compound, which has reportedly been shown to have anti-aging properties.
Caviar Extract


Caviar is a salted roe from various types of fish. It is not only used as a luxurious food, but also in skincare products. Caviar extract is rich in proteins and phospholipids and has reportedly shown to have anti-aging properties.

One study explored the constituents and effects of caviar extract and found the main active compound to be docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which has beneficial effects on the skin adipose tissue. DHA stimulates the fat tissue cells to release factors that increase the production of collagen, protect the skin from UV damage, and help in the skin healing process.

This study, however, was performed only in test tubes, and so we cannot be certain that it works in the same way on the skin of living humans.


Lee, K.-E., et al. (2020). Caviar Extract and Its Constituent DHA Inhibits UVB-Irradiated Skin Aging by Inducing Adiponectin Production. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(9), 3383.