Cassia Alata Leaf Extract

An extract derived from the leaves of the candle bush that contains powerful antifungal phytochemicals called anthraquinones. It is aimed at problematic and acne-prone skin.
Other functions
Cassia Alata Leaf Extract


Cassia alata leaf extract is an antifungal extract obtained from the leaves of the Candle bush (Cassia alata), named after its beautiful, tall, and yellow inflorescences – which look like tall wax candles. This plant is related to Cassia senna, a plant commonly used in medicinal tea blends.

All Cassia species contain phytochemicals called anthraquinones which, when applied to the skin, display powerful antifungal activity.

Cassia alata has a long tradition of use in the treatment of various skin ailments, which is why you might find it in skincare products aimed at problematic and acne-prone skin. It may also soothe irritated or inflamed skin.


Oladeji, O. S., Adelowo, F. E., Oluyori, A. P., & Bankole, D. T. (2020). Ethnobotanical Description and Biological Activities of Senna alata. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2020, 2580259.
Eusebio-Alpapara, K., et al. (2020). Senna (Cassia) alata (Linn.) Roxb. leaf decoction as a treatment for tinea imbricata in an indigenous tribe in Southern Philippines. Mycoses, 10.1111/myc.13159.
Villasenor, I. M., Canlas, A. P., Pascua, M. P. I., Sabando, M. N., & Soliven, L. A. P. (2002). Bioactivity studies on Cassia alata Linn. leaf extracts. Phytotherapy Research, 16(S1), 93–96.