Betula Platyphylla Japonica Juice

A fresh sap obtained from the Asian white birch. It contains various antioxidant compounds and is claimed to promote hair growth.
Betula Platyphylla Japonica Juice


Betula platyphylla japonica juice is not exactly a “juice”, but rather a fresh sap obtained from the Asian white birch, which is a tree native to Korea, Japan, China, and Russia.

The birch sap is collected in early spring before the trees start to grow leaves. The process is similar to maple sap harvest and the birch sap may be used fresh, fermented, or concentrated into a syrup.

The sap of most species of birch contains similar compounds: minerals, sugars, amino acids, and various phenolic and triterpene compounds (betulin and betulinic acid are the most researched).

It has been used as a beneficial ingredient for skin and hair for centuries. The phytochemicals contained in the sap have antioxidant effects. Birch extracts are particularly beneficial for hair care – it is said that they can stimulate hair growth, stop hair from falling out, and condition and repair damaged strands.


KALLIO, H., AHTONEN, S., RAULO, J. and LINKO, R.R. (1985), Identification of the Sugars and Acids in Birch Sap. Journal of Food Science, 50: 266-269.