Bambusa Vulgaris Extract

A soothing extract derived from bamboo stems and leaves with various antioxidant flavonoids. It also contains some silica that our hair and skin need in order to maintain their proper structure and strength.
Bambusa Vulgaris Extract


Bambusa vulgaris extract is a soothing and antioxidant extract obtained from the leaves and stems of common bamboo. Bamboo stalks are one of the most important construction and fiber materials due to their strength and flexibility. This is because of the content of silica in bamboo stems – and the reason why bamboo extract is used in skincare.

Our hair, nails, and skin all need a certain amount of silica to maintain their proper structure and strength. Bambusa vulgaris extract contains silica and various flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties.

Bamboo extract also has soothing effects and helps with the skin’s natural healing ability.


Lodhi, S., Jain, A. P., Rai, G., & Yadav, A. K. (2016). Preliminary investigation for wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects of Bambusa vulgaris leaves in rats. Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine, 7(1), 14–22.