Arnica Montana Extract

A healing and soothing extract derived from the flowers of wolf’s bane. It contains a wide range of anti-inflammatory compounds such as sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, amines, and an essential oil with a thyme-like scent.
Arnica Montana Extract


Arnica montana extract is a healing, soothing and anti-inflammatory extract obtained from wolf’s bane flowers, Arnica montana. Herbal preparations from Arnica have been used in many cultures all over Europe for the healing of bruises and swollen joints.

This extract is used as a soothing and healing ingredient in skincare with a gentle thyme-like scent.

Current research has identified the presence of a wide range of active compounds such as sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, amines, and essential oil – which have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. The definitive proof seems to be missing, however, as the clinical studies have not yet come to a unified conclusion on its effectiveness.

There is also an issue of allergenicity – many people are sensitive to Asteraceae plants or sesquiterpene lactones, and Arnica montana extract may cause skin reactions in these individuals.


Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC). Assessment report on Arnica montana L., flos. 6. May 2014, EMA/HMPC/198794/2012.