Arabidopsis Thaliana Extract

An extract from a small, flowering plant called thale cress. It contains antioxidant flavonoids and organic acids and is claimed to be able to repair UV-induced DNA damage.
Arabidopsis Thaliana Extract


Arabidopsis thaliana extract is an extract obtained from a small flowering plant called thale cress.

We could not find much information about its role in skincare. A single patent describes an enzyme from Arabidopsis which is allegedly able to repair DNA damage induced by UV light, but the actual proof that it works in a skincare product is missing.

The only relevant fact is that Arabidopsis, like other plants from the Brassicaceae family, contains flavonoids and organic acids, which have antioxidant effects.

Arabidopsis is an interesting plant for other reasons though. This plant has been a favorite of genome scientists ever since it was discovered that its genome is very small and easily mapped. Arabidopsis is often a model organism in lab experiments because it only takes 6-8 weeks to complete its entire life cycle, from seed to seed. It is very easy to grow in lab conditions and to be genetically modified.
