Alpinia Speciosa Leaf Extract

A promising anti-aging extract derived from Shell ginger. It contains bioactive compounds with the ability to slow down the destruction of collagen and elastin and to promote their synthesis instead.
Other functions
Alpinia Speciosa Leaf Extract


Alpinia speciosa leaf extract is an antioxidant and potential anti-aging extract from the leaves of a plant called Shell ginger, Alpinia zerumbet (indeed botanically related to ginger), or other species of Alpinia.

According to the patent holder, Alpinia speciosa leaf extract contains bioactive compounds that have the ability to slow down the destruction of collagen and elastin and promote their synthesis instead.

Indeed, a set of compounds was found (dehydrokawain, dihydro-dehydrokawain, and labdadiene) in the roots of Alpinia zerumbet which showed exactly those activities in the test-tube experiment.

This makes Alpinia speciosa leaf extract a promising prospective anti-aging ingredient, although more tests are required (especially those on real human volunteers) to see if it truly works.


Chompoo, J., Upadhyay, A., Fukuta, M., & Tawata, S. (2012). Effect of Alpinia zerumbet components on antioxidant and skin diseases-related enzymes. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 12(1).