Acacia Senegal Gum

A formula helper, also known as gum arabic, derived from the African Acacia tree. It is used in skincare formulas due to its good adhesive and film-forming properties.
Acacia Senegal Gum


Acacia senegal gum, a white powder also known as gum arabic, is a naturally occurring ingredient harvested from the African Acacia tree. It is used in skincare formulas due to its good adhesive and film-forming properties.

Gum arabic is a hardened sap when harvested from the acacia tree. The sap forms clear, amber, or reddish-brown colored clumps once it has hardened, which can then be ground into an off-white or yellow powder. It is soluble in water and comprised of various polysaccharides and glycoproteins.


Randall, R. C., Phillips, G. O., & Williams, P. A. (1989). Fractionation and characterization of gum from Acacia senegal. Food hydrocolloids, 3(1), 65-75.